Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The War on Israel

I watched the news last night seeing reports on what’s going on in Gaza. It makes me very angry to hear the defenders of the Palestinians. Israel does NOT want to hurt civilians. The Palestinian government is to blame because they are sacrificing their own people by harboring criminal elements like the Hamas. It’s the Palestinian government that needs to deal with Hamas and hunt them down. By not doing so they are on Hamas side. I’m so tired of hearing how horrible Israel’s actions are, and not a word about what Hamas and all the other terrorists have been doing for years and years. Israel is NOT the aggressor. And when Israel retaliates their aim is Hamas weapon depots and training camps. NOT the civilian population. When Hamas on the other hand send their bombs into Israel they deliberately target civilian population centers.
Hamas also deliberately use civilians and civilian buildings to hide their weaponry and themselves which puts innocent people at harms way. They hide in hospitals and schools for example. They have even been known to use children as shields.
One particular Israeli village just 1 mile from the Gaza border has been hit with 7500(!) Quassam rockets since 2001. The last 1500 during 2008. See interview with Israeli mayor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ska-4Eer_8&feature=email

According to Dore Gold who used to be an Israeli ambassador for the UN, Israel even make phone calls to civilians to warn them and give them a chance to get away when they know there is a military target in a civilian area.

I’m not an expert on this subject, but I know where I stand. I am clearly pro Israel because I believe that the Jews are God’s people and I believe that God has a special plan with the nation of Israel. The whole creation of the nation Israel is fulfillment of prophesy. That is the main reason why there is such a battle over that tiny piece of land.

The basic view of every Christian is that God loves all people whether they are Palestinians or of any other origin and He wants all people to be saved. God is not against the Palestinians as a people, so that’s not what this is about and that’s not what we as Christians believe. But we do know that God is for Israel and against Israel’s enemies. And the war is against the terrorists.

I also know that Israel is the only democracy in the area with western ideals which means that as all countries in the west they share an openness towards all people that wants to live in peace within their borders.

But Hamas and PLO have a completely different agenda. They want to exterminate the Jews and wipe Israel off the map. That is their plan and has always been their plan. How do you negotiate with such an adversary?

I know the propaganda in Europe where few voices are raised to defend Israel, and there is some of that propaganda even here in the US through media. If you are a Christian you need to get your information elsewhere. You need a divine revelation to understand Israel’s place in the world and in history. If you are not a Christian you are being lied to.

There’s a great teaching series with Pastor Jon Courson on this subject. You can buy the CD’s or you can hear the teaching on-line. http://www.joncourson.com/teaching/teachings-topicalindex.asp?topic=prophecy
The title is: “Middle East: War and Peace”. He is associated with Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, CA.
Except for the Bible I can recommend a book called, “The Jews; People of the future” written by Pastor Ulf Ekman. (Can be found on Amazon.com).

The Bible says that God will bless those that bless Israel. God doesn’t exclude anybody but let’s everybody be saved through Jesus Christ who came through the Jew’s to save us all. God choose the Jew’s so that the whole world could be saved. This is what God said to Abraham who is the first Jew;

"I will make you into a great nation
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,

and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you."
Genesis 12:2-3

Here’s another word regarding Israel and its future:

"As you have been an object of cursing among the nations,
O Judah and Israel, so will I save you, and you will be a blessing.
Do not be afraid, but let your hands be strong." Zechariah 8:13

God also tells us to pray for Jerusalem;

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May those who love you be secure.”
Psalm 122:6

We as Christians need to stand up for Israel more than ever before.

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